Our smart infrastructure solutions put climate action at the heart of the global recovery


We have a once in a generation opportunity to put climate action at the heart of our global recovery. There is a wave of unprecedented stimulus packages around the world, with many governments embedding sustainability criteria into their infrastructure stimulus plans.


At Holcim, we have expertise in building essential infrastructure, such as highways, ports and subways. We provide high-performance material solutions that are optimized for their construction. With our expertise, we design materials that are ecologically sound and smart - reducing carbon emissions and minimizing waste while using digital technology to increase efficiency. We can build circular, by recycling materials where possible, and use green concrete and cement, such as ECOPact and ECOPlanet, to enable low carbon construction.


Green mobility plays a key role in this transformation and can support countries to achieve their net zero goals. Now is the time to act.


Designing smarter roads with industry-leading digital materials platform ORIS

With digital technologies like ORIS, we can accelerate the transition to building and maintaining low-carbon and more sustainable roads around the world.





我们是超过30个国际港口基础设施项目的一部分 - 将高性能与可持续性相结合 - 在包括澳大利亚,加拿大,厄瓜多尔,马达加斯加,法国和英国等25个国家。nba季后赛欧宝


例如,在马达加斯加,Toamasina Port使用专门设计的可持续水泥,旨在抵抗海洋环境。它提供了提高的耐用性,同时与传统水泥相比,还将整体碳排放量降低了30%。我们在哥斯达黎加,摩洛哥和法国港口的工作也使用高性能低碳材料。

Holcim continues to invest more than half of its research and development budget in finding sustainable and innovative building solutions. Putting climate action at the heart of our global recovery, we are enabling smart infrastructure that is good for people and the planet, increasing human opportunity and continuing to build progress.